Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Gay Astrology - Scorpio


Loving your Scorpio
It is a powerful thing to meet someone who recognizes you for who you really are. His first impression is always right. Before he knows your name, he gets what you are about.
Mr. Scorpio does not understand what the big fuss over love at the first sight is all about, because that is the only kind of love he knows. The moment he saw you, he wanted you.
But do not think that will make easy for you. In fact, the more Scorpio wants you, the less he will show his feelings. Mr. Scorpio fears that if you knew the degree to which he desires you, then you would tease him and manipulate his emotions to get your way.
Besides, he knows that his air of mystery is kind of sexy.

Attracting a Scorpio
Scorpio is looking for a sparring partner. Maybe that is why he likes his men a little bigger and beefier than he is. So just because Scorpio likes to be in control does not mean you should let him walk all over you. Fight back and fight hard. Then let him win.
Passivity and laziness turn Scorpio off. He can forgive a fighter for losing, but he cannot forgive a man for refusing to make an effort. Physical attraction is never enough for Mr. Scorpion. It is hard for Scorpio to give his body to a man without also giving his heart.
For all his toughness, Scorpio is afraid of you. To avoid your scorn, Scorpio proceeds slowly. Each step of the way he gives himself an out so he can end the pursuit if he needs to without embarrassing himself. Best try to follow his lead and pray you are reading the situation right.

Breaking up
When you do a wrong to Scorpio, very soon after he will do an equal wrong to you. That is Scorpio justice---a quick, clean payback. Payback must happen for Scorpio to forgive and move on.
But the one sin Scorpio can never forgive is betrayal. But it can mean any act by which you make money, drugs, or another person a higher priority than the love you share with Scorpio. Once he knows that the relationship comes second with you, it is over. Nothing will soften his hard heart after betrayal.
Fear of abandonment haunts Scorpio, so when you leave (or betray him), you become, in a very literal sense, his worst nightmare. The only way to avoid his wrath is to not let him think of you that way. Remember that Scorpio is by instinct a healer and does not want you to be his enemy.
First, you have to accept the blame that is honestly due you.
Second, have a plan for the future.
Third, let him know the experience of losing him has changed you. You will not get him back, but he will respect you for learning your lesson. This can be the beginning of a lifelong truce with your Scorpio ex-lover.

Gay Astrology - Libra


Loving your Libra
He is a comfortable man. Cute enough. Smart enough. But not threatening in any way. You might think that this one is too good to be true. And you would be right.
When you first meet Libra, his deflector shields will be up and he will be practicing evasive maneuvers. He will withhold his true self until he knows what kind of man you want. Then he will emphasize those parts of his personality that you will most love.
But that may be quite a few dates away. At first meeting he is checking you out. He wants to know if you are involved (and perhaps hiding that he already has a boyfriend). He is subtly throwing out conversational topics that will give him a clue to your feelings about commitment. He is examining your clothing to get a sense of your personal style.
Fail to meet his standards and you will go home alone---without his number.

Attracting a Libra
Minutes after meeting him you know that he is bringing looks, smarts, and highly developed interpersonal skills to the table. And he knows you know. So his question is: What have you got for me?
He is not a gold digger looking for a sugar daddy. It is not money he is after. He just needs to be certain that he will not be the only one supplying juice in this relationship. So your artistic sense, your humor, your ambition, you ingenuity, or something has to match and balance what he has to offer. Fairness is everything to Libra.
Libra almost always puts others first. He needs a man who will put him first. If you want him, let him know that you value him.
One last note: Look good. Libra will rule you out on the basis of aesthetics faster than for any other reason.

Breaking up
When Libra breaks up with you, it is quick and clean. When you break up with Libra, the process is a convoluted and painfully bloody as beating a baby seal to death with a teaspoon.
The real issue with Libra that ends relationship is the need to be the perfect couple. You might begin to suspect that all the efforts Libra makes to strengthen the relationship are not for the sake of his love for you, but his love of the relationship itself.
He has defined himself as half of an “us.” And now that you are gone, he does not know who he is anymore. The man who always the calm rational one in the relationship turns into a nut job.
The only cure is for him to find a new lover or best friend to spend time with. And the speed of his recovery. When he finally finds someone else, can make your head spin.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Gay Astrology - Virgo


Loving your Virgo
You have been under observation—even if only a few minutes. No Virgo acts in attraction alone. He needs to see exactly what you have to offer.
Mr. Virgin knows how to make the most of his young features and physical grace. He plays the perfect audience, appreciative of who you are, so there is no need to pretend you are anything you are not.
Of course his Stepford-wife niceness can alter at any moment. The second you shade the truth or unthinkingly let some inaccuracy cross your lips, he will leap down your throat to rip the offending words out of your vocal cords before the sentence is complete.
Then it is back to niceness as if nothing had happened.

Attracting a Virgo
Other men look for a relationship that offers security, but Virgo looks for safety.
He is much more comfortable playing sugar daddy himself to man with potential, than depending on a boyfriend for his future security. But he does need to know that his man will not hurt him. And Virgo defines the word “hurt” broadly.
He wants to know that he can operate you—that you will always respond in a consistent ways. Unexpected behavior on your part is a “hurt.”
He asks for little else besides consistency. Virgo does not need the most beautiful or most sensitive man in the world, as long as he can comprehend your behavior. In fact, your flaws are in important factor in winning his love. He enjoys them because they make him feel needed. Virgo pretends to have all the answer, so you do not have to. Asking him to solve your problems for you will only strengthen the bond between you.
Honesty works with Virgo. Better be truthful, because in time he will always find the things you hide.

Breaking up
Because he is unable to see the forest for the trees, any argument becomes a listing of grievances rather than a substantive effort to get at the root issue dividing you. If you want to salvage things, you have to get it rolling then hope Virgo climbs on board. It is best to make your expectations clear. If he knows what the ground rules are, he can decide whether or not he wants to stay. If the ground rules are unclear, he will probably leave because the relationship lacks focus.
If it comes down to a choice between fighting for you and leaving, he will always leave. The dramatic scenes are too nerve-wracking for him. To Virgo, the deception is simple self-defense, protecting him until he has the wherewithal to walks out.

Gay Astrology - Leo


Loving your Leo
Every astrology book will tell you about Leo’s confidence, but few describe his peculiar shyness. Both come from the same source: Since he believes the universe revolves around him, Mr. Lion is convinced that we all gossip about him for hours after he is gone. Rather than risk making an error, since the eyes of the world are on him, Leo will wait to see what you do.
So make the first move. Let him know you are available. Leo is not going to risk rejection, no matter how attractive he finds you.

Attracting a Leo
Pay him a small, easy compliment, such as “Your hair looks great today.” Then watching his eyes get bright and his smile broaden. Try working your way up to more outrageous compliments. In his mind, your compliments just show what good taste you have.
He’s a snob. He wants to know that what he has is the best. That includes you. Either your looks, intelligence, style, humor, warmth, or something has to make you stand out in Leo’s eyes.
Since the two of you are not in “competition” and there will be no “comparison,” leo feels comfortable trying to prove himself better than you. Leo gets turned on a smart, tough, and sexy guy bowing down to him. He is expecting to be treated like a lady.

Breaking up
Though lions mate for life, sometimes a relationship with a Leo has to end. The breakup can be painful or painless, depending on how you choose to play it.
If your relationship is supposed to be monogamous, but is not, all is not necessarily over your Leo can be emotionally completely faithful to you while fooling around on the side. Other men may have his body, but you have his love. Whether that is enough is up to you to decide.
You can get him angry, and then he can remember everything you have ever done wrong. But it does not have to be that way, Mr. Lion loves to forgive. Take the blame yourself for the breakup and your Leo will become magnanimous and generous. Soon he may even start matchmaking for you.
Leo hates to think that he is ever wrong, so he will not want to admit that you were a mistake. This means that it is possible to be friends, even if the breakup was bloody. It also means that you may occasionally have sex. Do not think that this means he still loves you. Mr. Lion just wants to prove that he has still got it.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Gay Astrology - Cancer


Loving your Cancer

His voice is as soothing as warm milk. Soon you are revealing to Mr. Crab secrets that you never tell strangers.

In conversation Cancer gives very little hard data about himself, but you still feel you know him. Cancer is much more comfortable telling you anecdotes about friends and family. These stories imply much more about Cancer’s personality than he is willing to share with you directly. But what they imply only raises more questions.

As you sense him responding to your unspoken questions, you know that this mysterious man has the power to reach all those hidden corners of your heart.

Will you let him?

Attracting a Cancer

If you remind Cancer of his old boyfriend, you are off to a good start.

Cancer is always looking for vehicle to his lost past. A boy who reminds him of some past affair has a very real (if very strange) advantage.

The clincher though is need. He wants to be needed, so your weaknesses count more with him than your strengths.

Love takes time for Mr. Crab. He is warm, but he is wary. When not pursuing his fantasy wild boy, Cancer looks for men who have settled down, have a little money, and know their direction in life. Because he is not afraid to commit, Cancer wants a man dependable enough to be worth committing to.

Breaking up

The make-or-break moment comes when Mr. Crab’s attentions grow so smothering that you yell at him, “Get a life!”

Cancer discovers who he is by living through others. If you are lucky, Cancer will turn to passive-aggressive withdrawal of affection, which is designed to force you into calling it quits, thus allowing Cancer to appear the victim.

The less pleasant alternative is for Cancer to turn his anger and frustrations inward. If this happens, you will see an erosion of self-confidence as he assumes the blame for everything wrong between you.

The loneliness of breaking up is more than sad for Cancer. With time, though, he will heal and heal completely. But he will not forget the despair he went through. So if you wish to remain friends, it will take a lot of work and a lot of patience on your part. You must also accept that Mr. Crab will never trust you again.

Gay Astrology - Gemini


Loving your Gemini

While talking to you, he is scoping out the room for other men. In case you missed it, he then jokes about scoping out the room for other men.

Gemini is a perpetual motion machine powered by contradictions. He can be sharing without being generous, open without being totally honest. He is sometimes warm without caring and cold without hating. And in an instant his mood will change.

Geminis are always cute, though rarely gorgeous. The attraction is not in their looks but in the excitement of their mercurial temperament.

Attracting a Gemini

The Gemini mind is restless, so he does not like to get bogged down in messy emotions. He needs to be anchored by a boyfriend who responds with strong emotion to the things that matter most.

Gemini’s man cannot be completely silent type. Even that Mr. Twin frequently interrupts others when they are talking. He also likes to be interrupted himself. For him the most exciting man is one who voices interesting challenges and positions contrary to his own.

If Gemini is attracted, it is part because he sees you as a caretaker. If he stays, it is because you give him a long leash. On the other hand, a man who threatens to restrict Gemini’s access to the big world does not have a chance. So, let your come-on be lighthearted and half-joking so he can indulge his ambivalence before he says yes.

Breaking up

Obligation has little meaning for Gemini. His commitment to you is one day at a time. Those days can add up to years. Or not. If he stays with a man it is because he wants to. If he does not want to, there will be no foot dragging or pretense.

After you have been apart for a while, Gemini will make friendly overtures to you. He feels that just because the lover part did not work out, does not mean you should give up on the friendship.

It may get sticky when he comes on to you after the breakup . . . and he will. But whether you choose to bed down with him or not, you can be sure that Gemini will always be there if you are up for a bit of fun.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Gay Astrology - Taurus


Loving your Taurus

No subtlety here.

Taurus’s come-on is explicit and clear. If you are not equally direct, you will see clouds of confusion in his lovely liquid eyes. He may be little thick around the middle and slow moving, but it is clear that he knows how to use his body when he wants to. Once he has decided that he wants you, Taurus is forceful.

Attracting a Taurus

It helps if you are pretty. And available.

He wants you because he finds you physically attractive and thinks you are willing to have sex with him. That does not mean he is easy, though. He is afraid of being take advantage of. The easiest way to win his trust is to buy him things, because he thinks it’s a clear sign that you very value him as a person.

Materialistic though he is, do not worry that Taurus will dump you for the nearest sugar daddy. To him a commitment is a commitment. This means, if you lie or weasel out of a promise, Taurus will start thinking of you as untrustworthy.

Breaking up

Whichever one of you calls it quits, the underlying reason for breakup is that you changed and he did not. When Taurus gets pushed to adapt beyond his ability, it gets ugly.

Taurus thinks of his loved ones as belonging to him. No possession can leave on its own. Some thief has to come along and take it.

When the end happens, be fair in settling financial obligations. If you cheat him in some small way, he will be convinced that you have cheated him on a larger scale as well.

Because Taurus doesn’t like to probe too deeply, he is unlikely to ever fully appreciate his role in the breakup. However, that doesn’t mean the two of you can’t be friends. Unless he returns your gifts---if he does that, it means he never wants to see you again.

Gay Astrology - Aries


Loving your Aries

Not every Aries is stupid enough to actually voice his every smarmy thoughts, but he is thinking them. He considers every man he meets a potential notch on the bedpost. That is until he decides a guy is lifelong love, soul-mate material.

Even if he takes his time in coming on to you, he will not waste his efforts on small talk. If this is going anywhere, he needs to know you can stimulate his mind as well. Then he will decide whether or not to sweep you off your feet. You can be aggressive as you want in your pursuit of Aries, but in his mind you are a passive prize waiting to be won by a guy with cajones.

Attracting an Aries

The techniques for nabbing Mr. Ram are counterintuitive. Though it appears that Aries wants to dominate his mate, it is the struggle for dominance that excites him, not the actual achieving of it.

The unconquerable man keeps his interest longer than the one who rolls over and plays dead. But if he feels that you are a hopeless cause, he will give up and move on to the next guy. When starting relationship, Aries likes to know that the other person will be better off for having him on his side. He will overlook many character flaws in a man who is willing to take care of him.

Breaking up

Admit it. You got away with a lot.

Aries usually doesn’t notice when his partner hides something from him. So you can go along being adored by Mr. Ram while secretly doing super, holding Satanic rituals in the basement, and/or planning to move to Nepal. But then you drop a chair on his foot or break a door—and he knows it is all over. Aries looks for symbols all the time. You can argue that he is reading too much into a small detail. He is. But Aries often reaches the right conclusion for the wrong reasons.

Any rupture with Aries can be repaired with well-spoken apologies---except one. If you make Aries doubt himself, there is no anger, no hurt, only silence. He has no defense but to turn his back on you and walks away.

Gay Astrology

What makes a gay astrology different from a straight one?

The answer is that the basic qualities of a sun sign are the same for everyone. However, these qualities do express themselves differently depending on the specifics of someone’s life. And gay lives are different from straight ones in many ways. A gay astrology should deal with the particulars of gay life and how each sun sign deals with these concerns.

If you want to know the whole things about gay astrology, you can buy Gay Astrology Book written by Michael Yawney. It is like completely guide for gay relationship through astrology. I just summarize some content of the book.