Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Gay Astrology - Scorpio


Loving your Scorpio
It is a powerful thing to meet someone who recognizes you for who you really are. His first impression is always right. Before he knows your name, he gets what you are about.
Mr. Scorpio does not understand what the big fuss over love at the first sight is all about, because that is the only kind of love he knows. The moment he saw you, he wanted you.
But do not think that will make easy for you. In fact, the more Scorpio wants you, the less he will show his feelings. Mr. Scorpio fears that if you knew the degree to which he desires you, then you would tease him and manipulate his emotions to get your way.
Besides, he knows that his air of mystery is kind of sexy.

Attracting a Scorpio
Scorpio is looking for a sparring partner. Maybe that is why he likes his men a little bigger and beefier than he is. So just because Scorpio likes to be in control does not mean you should let him walk all over you. Fight back and fight hard. Then let him win.
Passivity and laziness turn Scorpio off. He can forgive a fighter for losing, but he cannot forgive a man for refusing to make an effort. Physical attraction is never enough for Mr. Scorpion. It is hard for Scorpio to give his body to a man without also giving his heart.
For all his toughness, Scorpio is afraid of you. To avoid your scorn, Scorpio proceeds slowly. Each step of the way he gives himself an out so he can end the pursuit if he needs to without embarrassing himself. Best try to follow his lead and pray you are reading the situation right.

Breaking up
When you do a wrong to Scorpio, very soon after he will do an equal wrong to you. That is Scorpio justice---a quick, clean payback. Payback must happen for Scorpio to forgive and move on.
But the one sin Scorpio can never forgive is betrayal. But it can mean any act by which you make money, drugs, or another person a higher priority than the love you share with Scorpio. Once he knows that the relationship comes second with you, it is over. Nothing will soften his hard heart after betrayal.
Fear of abandonment haunts Scorpio, so when you leave (or betray him), you become, in a very literal sense, his worst nightmare. The only way to avoid his wrath is to not let him think of you that way. Remember that Scorpio is by instinct a healer and does not want you to be his enemy.
First, you have to accept the blame that is honestly due you.
Second, have a plan for the future.
Third, let him know the experience of losing him has changed you. You will not get him back, but he will respect you for learning your lesson. This can be the beginning of a lifelong truce with your Scorpio ex-lover.


FILM GUY BRI said...

I met this amazing Scorpio guy. I am an Aquarius and am not impressed easily, but this Scorpio stopped me dead in my tracks. He is not only amazingly beautiful to look at, he is amazing to know as well. His Numerology number is a 6 mine is a 9. I don't know how it will progress, but for now this is about as amazing as it can be. And the sex is out of this World.

Joey said...

So how did it turn out? I’m a Scorpio and I met a sweet and kind Aquarius guy and I’m pursuing him. I have no idea if he likes me for sure.